World Ballet Day 2019(ワールド・バレエ・デー 2019)動画集

2019年は10月23日(水)は、世界的なバレエ団などがクラスレッスンやリハーサルなどをライブ・ストリーミング(生配信)するバレエファンにとって最大のイベント「World Ballet Day 2019(ワールド・バレエ・デー 2019)」でしたね。

Main Companies  主催カンパニー

The Australian Ballet オーストラリア・バレエ

#WorldBalletDay 2019 Highlights

Bolshoi ボリショイ・バレエ

#WorldBalletDay 2019 – The Bolshoi Ballet LIVE

The Royal Ballet 英国ロイヤル・バレエ


World Ballet Day 2019(ワールド・バレエ・デー 2019)英国ロイヤル・バレエ団の動画集
World Ballet Day 2019(ワールド・バレエ・デー 2019)で配信された英国ロイヤル・バレエ団の動画が内容別に分割・編集さ...

Guest Companies / Asia Pcific アジア太平洋

Singapore Dance Theatre シンガポール・ダンス・シアター

#WorldBalletDay Live at Singapore Dance Theatre. Rehearsals for our contemporary season, Passages. Do head over to The Australian Ballet’s page after our... | By Singapore Ballet | Facebook
#WorldBalletDay Live at Singapore Dance Theatre. Rehearsals for our contemporary season, Passages. Do head over to The Australian Ballet’s page after our...

Hong Kong Ballet 香港バレエ

We are LIVE! Join us now to see a Company class taught by The Singapore Ballet Academy Principal and International Ballet Guest Teacher Kee Juan Han in... | By Hong Kong Ballet | Facebook
We are LIVE! Join us now to see a Company class taught by The Singapore Ballet Academy Principal and International Ballet Guest Teacher Kee Juan Han in...

West Australian Ballet 西オーストラリア・バレエ

World Ballet Day 2019 | Happy #WorldBalletDay! Hosted by Artistic Director Aurėlien Scannella, join us in Perth as we rehearse our next world-class production, ALICE (in... | By West Australian Ballet | Facebook
Happy #WorldBalletDay! Hosted by Artistic Director Aurėlien Scannella, join us in Perth as we rehearse our next world-class production, ALICE (in...

Korean National Ballet 韓国国立バレエ

- YouTube
YouTube でお気に入りの動画や音楽を楽しみ、オリジナルのコンテンツをアップロードして友だちや家族、世界中の人たちと共有しましょう。

National Ballet of Japan 新国立劇場バレエ

新国立劇場バレエ団World Ballet Day LIVE 2019

Queensland Ballet クイーンズランド・バレエ


Royal New Zealand Ballet ロイヤル・ニュージーランド・バレエ

RNZB World Ballet Day 2019

Guest Companies / United Kingdom 英国

Birmingham Royal Ballet バーミンガム・ロイヤル・バレエ

English National Ballet イングリッシュ・ナショナル・バレエ(ENB)

- YouTube
YouTube でお気に入りの動画や音楽を楽しみ、オリジナルのコンテンツをアップロードして友だちや家族、世界中の人たちと共有しましょう。

Scottish Ballet スコティッシュ・バレエ

Scottish Ballet Live Stream: Company Class 2019

Northern Ballet ノーザン・バレエ

Northern Ballet – World Ballet Day 2019

Royal Academy of Dance ロイヤル・アカデミー・オブ・ダンス(RAD)

World Ballet Day 2019 Royal Academy of Dance

Guest Companies / Europe ヨーロッパ

Polish National Ballet ポーランド国立バレエ

World Ballet Day 2019 | 🌎 Świętuj z nami Światowy Dzień Baletu! Próbę do „Wesela” (choreografia: Bronisława Niżyńska, muzyka: Igor Strawiński) poprowadził Howard Sayette. Balet... | By Teatr Wielki - Opera Narodowa | Facebook
🌎 Świętuj z nami Światowy Dzień Baletu! Próbę do „Wesela” (choreografia: Bronisława Niżyńska, muzyka: Igor Strawiński) poprowadził Howard Sayette. Balet...

Norwegian National Opera & Ballet ノルウェー国立バレエ

World Ballet Day 2019 | Bli med inn i Operaen og ta en kikk på livet i Nasjonalballetten! Vi feiret #WorldBalletDay med å sende direkte fra prøvene på Anna Karenina og Ghosts –... | By Den Norske Opera & Ballett | Facebook
Bli med inn i Operaen og ta en kikk på livet i Nasjonalballetten! Vi feiret #WorldBalletDay med å sende direkte fra prøvene på Anna Karenina og Ghosts –...

The Royal Danish Ballet デンマーク王立バレエ

World Ballet Day 2019 | Join The Royal Danish Ballet live from Copenhagen at World Ballet Day 2019 with Artistic Director Nikolaj Hübbe, Principal dancer Kizzy Matiakis and The... | By Det Kongelige Teater | Facebook
Join The Royal Danish Ballet live from Copenhagen at World Ballet Day 2019 with Artistic Director Nikolaj Hübbe, Principal dancer Kizzy Matiakis and The...

Wiener Staatsballett ウィーン国立バレエ

Wiener Staatsballett | WORLD BALLET DAY 2019

Stuttgart Ballet シュツットガルト・バレエ

#worldballetday 2019 with John Cranko's Romeo and Juliet

Dutch National Ballet オランダ国立バレエ

World Ballet Day 2019 – Dutch National Ballet

Royal Swedish Ballet スウェーデン・ロイヤル・バレエ

Royal Swedish Ballet - with love from Stockholm on World Ballet Day | Join us from Stockholm with the Royal Swedish Ballet as we take you on a tour with Artistic Director Nicolas Le Riche, and get a sneak peek at the... | By Kungliga Operan | Facebook
Join us from Stockholm with the Royal Swedish Ballet as we take you on a tour with Artistic Director Nicolas Le Riche, and get a sneak peek at the...

Bayerisches Staatsballett バイエルン国立

Paris Opera Ballet パリ・オペラ座バレエ


La Scala Ballet Company ミラノ・スカラ座バレエ

World Ballet Day 2019 at Teatro alla Scala

Staatsballet Berlin ベルリン国立バレエ

WORLD BALLET DAY 2019 | Staatsballett Berlin | We'll be celebrating #WorldBalletDay on Wednesday, October 23, with an hour-long programme featuring 14:00 Classical and contemporary morning classes... | By Staatsballett Berlin | Facebook
We'll be celebrating #WorldBalletDay on Wednesday, October 23, with an hour-long programme featuring 14:00 Classical and contemporary morning classes...

Guest Companies / Americas アメリカ

Pacific Northwest Ballet パシフィック・ノースウェスト・バレエ

Houston Ballet ヒューストン・バレエ


Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre アルヴィン・エイリー・アメリカン・ダンス・シアター

#worldballetday | Happy #WorldBalletDay We invite you to step into rehearsal for Darrell Grand Moultrie's 'Ounce of Faith,' which makes its New York City Center debut this... | By Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater | Facebook
Happy #WorldBalletDay We invite you to step into rehearsal for Darrell Grand Moultrie's 'Ounce of Faith,' which makes its New York City Center debut this...

Acosta Danza アコスタ・ダンサ

WBD 2019 - Acosta Danza Class in Havana, Cuba | For #WorldBalletDay I was happy to present Acosta Danza direct from their base in Havana, Cuba. Here, you can see the company performing a Cuban Modern... | By Carlos Acosta | Facebook
For #WorldBalletDay I was happy to present Acosta Danza direct from their base in Havana, Cuba. Here, you can see the company performing a Cuban Modern...

Ballet Concierto de Puerto Rico プエルトリコ・サンファン・バレエ

Ballet Concierto de Puerto Rico for the World | #WorldBalletDay En San Juan, Puerto Rico con Ballet Concierto. Thanks to The Australian Ballet for this opportunity. | By Ballet Concierto De PR | Facebook
#WorldBalletDay En San Juan, Puerto Rico con Ballet Concierto. Thanks to The Australian Ballet for this opportunity.

Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal レ・グラン・バレエ・カナディアン

World Ballet Day 2019 | En direct de nos studios! | Nous sommes heureux de participer pour une deuxième année consécutive au #WorldBalletDay! Joignez-vous à nos danseurs le temps d'une répétition de la... | By Les Grands Ballets Canadiens | Facebook
Nous sommes heureux de participer pour une deuxième année consécutive au #WorldBalletDay! Joignez-vous à nos danseurs le temps d'une répétition de la...

São Paulo Dance Company サンパウロ・ダンスカンパニー

World Ballet Day 2019 – São Paulo Companhia de Dança

Guest Companies / Africa アフリカ

Cape Town City Ballet ケープ・タウン・シティ・バレエ

Cape Town City Ballet performs online for #WorldBalletDay | Cape Town City Ballet is thrilled to represent Africa for the first time this #WorldBalletDay at the invitation of the Royal Opera House. Join us... | By Cape Town City Ballet | Facebook
Cape Town City Ballet is thrilled to represent Africa for the first time this #WorldBalletDay at the invitation of the Royal Opera House. Join us...